About the National BPS Coalition

Americans spend more than 90% of our time in buildings. Our structures shape our health, our economic opportunities, and our ability to stay safe during extreme weather.  The energy we use inside buildings affects our cost of living, our utility infrastructure, and our ability to meet climate commitments. In most cities, buildings are the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

The National Building Performance Standards Coalition is a voluntary group of state and local governments that, in January 2025, reaffirmed their commitment to building performance policies and programs. The Coalition continues the momentum of recent building performance standard (BPS) adoptions to accelerate better buildings nationwide, especially for communities facing the greatest challenges. By centering community voices and needs, BPS can drive retrofits and align emissions, electrification, and equity goals. Together, we can create healthier, more affordable, and more climate-resilient buildings, while spurring economic growth.

The Institute for Market Transformation supports the Coalition and its members by providing peer knowledge-sharing and collaboration forums, technical and policy analysis, localized policy design, and support for stakeholder engagement.

Coalition Participants and Their Commitments

NationalBPSCoalition SVG Map

America’s state and local governments commit to drive equitable building energy and climate policy

Governments across the nation launch efforts to inclusively design and implement building performance standards and complementary programs and policies

As mayors, governors, and county executives, we are joining in coalition, with a heightened ambition to unlock the full human and climate potential of our built environment. Aligning our emissions reduction and equity goals with building upgrade and retrofit programs, we commit to lead the effort to decarbonize America’s building sector. We will identify and act on the pre-requisites for building performance standards or other complementary policies, and will work to advance legislation and/or regulation, with a goal of adoption by Earth Day 2024 (first cohort) or 2026 (second cohort). In doing so, we will work with stakeholders, especially frontline communities, to design and implement programs and policies that will address our health, energy, housing affordability, and climate needs in buildings. Forging a community of practice in policy innovation, we commit to sharing our results and best practices with one another.

The time for action is here, and we invite our peers nationwide to partner with us.


Christopher Taylor
Mayor, City of Ann Arbor

Gavin Buckley
Mayor, City of Annapolis

Mayor, City of Aspen

Keisha Lance Bottoms
Former Mayor, City of Atlanta

Jesse Arreguín
Mayor, City of Berkeley

Michelle Wu
Mayor, City of Boston

Aaron Brockett
Mayor, City of Boulder, CO

Andrew McAllister
Energy Commission Commissioner, State of California

Louis A. DePasquale
City Manager, City of Cambridge

Lori Lightfoot
Mayor, City of Chicago

Mary Casillas Salas
Mayor, City of Chula Vista 

Jared Polis
Governor, State of Colorado

Andrew J. Ginther
Mayor, City of Columbus

Michael B. Hancock
Mayor, City of Denver

Daniel Biss
Mayor, City of Evanston

Jeni Arndt
Mayor, City of Fort Collins

Muriel Bowser
Mayor, District of Columbia

Rosalynn Bliss
Mayor, City of Grand Rapids

Svante Myrick
Mayor, City of Ithaca

Quinton Lucas
Mayor, Kansas City

Sheila Kuehl & Holly Mitchell
Supervisors, Los Angeles County

Eric Garcetti
Mayor, City of Los Angeles

Wes Moore
Governor, State of Maryland

Maura Healey
Governor, State of Massachusetts

Cavalier Johnson
Mayor, City of Milwaukee

Jacob Frey
Mayor, City of Minneapolis

Marc Elrich
County Executive, Montgomery County, MD

Anne Watson
Mayor, City of Montpelier

LaToya Cantrell
Mayor, City of New Orleans

Eric Adams
Mayor, New York City

Tina Kotek
Governor, State of Oregon

Buddy Dyer
Mayor, City of Orlando

Jim Kenney
Mayor, City of Philadelphia

Ed Gainey
Mayor, City of Pittsburgh

Ted Wheeler
Mayor, City of Portland

Angela Alsobrooks
County Executive, Prince George’s County, MD

Hillary Schieve
Mayor, City of Reno

Darrell Steinberg
Mayor, City of Sacramento

Tishaura O. Jones
Mayor, City of Saint Louis

Todd Gloria
Mayor, San Diego

London N. Breed
Mayor, City and County of San Francisco

Gleam Davis
Mayor, Santa Monica

Van R. Johnson, II
Mayor, City of Savannah

Bruce Harrell
Mayor, City of Seattle

Jay Inslee
Governor, State of Washington

Sepi Shyne
Mayor, City of West Hollywood

By moving toward efficient, renewably powered buildings with the support of our stakeholders, we are showing how local governments can work with their communities to pass bold, achievable, and equitable policies. This coalition is the start of a climate-safe future for all.”

Mayor Michael Hancock
Denver, Colorado

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the National Building Performance Standard (BPS) Coalition?

    The National Building Performance Standards Coalition, launched by the White House in 2022, comprises a nation-wide group of state and local governments that have committed to inclusively design and implement equitable building performance standards and complementary programs and policies, working to advance legislation and/or regulation.

  • Why buildings?

    Buildings are central to our lives, economy, and environment. Their performance impacts indoor and outdoor air pollution and the health of our communities. The energy they use is a significant cost to households and businesses, and 17% of our GDP is attributed to construction, real-estate, and housing. In the U.S., buildings are the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, representing 35% of total energy-related emissions. This is split almost evenly between commercial and residential buildings. The US has set a goal to reduce emissions by 50%-52% from 2005 levels, by 2030. The math is clear: Tackling climate change and meeting our goals can only be achieved with significant emissions reductions from buildings. This can be accomplished by increasing their clean energy use and overall efficiency.

  • What are Building Performance Standards?

    Building performance standards are state and local laws that require existing buildings to achieve minimum levels of energy or climate performance. Working in tandem with new construction energy codes, these policies empower state and local leaders to deliver on their energy, and equity goals through accelerated retrofits.

    The holy grail of decarbonizing buildings is cracking the nut of existing buildings. Building on the success of early adopters, the next wave of building performance standards and complementary policies promise to unlock additional uptake existing building retrofits. Nationally, we took a momentous step forward in 2021, when the federal government committed to the first-ever federal BPS that will include zero emission requirements, and the number of state and local jurisdictions adopting building performance standards doubled to nine. The collective work of the Coalition members will propel these successes even further.

  • Why place requirements on private businesses and buildings?

    Historically, governments and utilities have relied on voluntary incentive programs to achieve better building performance and reduced emissions. However, national experience over the past 40 years makes it clear that the of action must increase to achieve the aggressive energy savings and emissions reductions needed to secure a healthy, sustainable future – and to do so equitably. Understanding this, leading policymakers are shifting to policies that can address buildings across their life cycle, beyond new construction. While building performance standard set mandatory performance requirements, building owners retain the power and flexibility in how individual buildings achieve their targets. Owners can use whatever technologies and operational strategies they decide are most effective and economical to meet their targets. BPS also recognize that not all buildings can be made into high-performing properties immediately. To address this, BPS establish long-term standards with interim targets that ratchet up over time. This combination of short-and long-term goals gives building owners the certainty they need to make confident investments in their properties, allows buildings to improve over time, and sends market signals to discourage investments in long-lived, inefficient, and environmentally damaging technology. In addition, throughout a BPS performance cycle, government leaders are ideally working with the private sector, utilities, community groups, and others to create incentives, programs, and technical assistance to support building owners and tenants in meeting performance targets.

  • What is the estimated impact of the National BPS Coalition?

    The nonprofit Institute for Market Transformation estimates that, as of August 2024, the governments of the National BPS Coalition account for about a quarter of the large building space in the United States. It also projected that, if all participants are successful in standing up retrofit policies and related programs for retrofits, the scale of impact from building and operational improvements through efficiency and electrification will be as much as:

    Better buildings for over 90 million people

    $132 billion cumulatively invested in buildings through 2040

    676 million metric tons of CO2e cumulatively eliminated through 2040

  • How does the National BPS Coalition work?

    President Biden launched the Coalition on January 21, 2022, with 33 inaugural jurisdictional participants. In support of participating jurisdictions, federal agencies including the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency are providing technical assistance. The Department of Energy also offers several funding programs for state and local governments to support their policy implementation and building retrofit activities. Federal support to Coalition members is complemented by non-governmental and labor organizations offering resources for workforce engagement, equity strategies, localized policy design and stakeholder engagement.

  • How is Coalition work different from a city, county or state sustainability plan?

    Coalition work integrates into existing sustainability plans so that participating jurisdictions and communities can reach their energy, climate, and economic goals. BPS focus specifically on building performance while a sustainability plan may include transportation, land use, and more.

  • Can my state, city or county participate in the Coalition?

    If the commitment statement in “Coalition Participants and Their Commitments” aligns with your jurisdiction’s plans, priorities, and capacity, please use the “Contact Us” option on this page.